5 research outputs found

    Mapping Dynamic Relations in Sound and Space Perception

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    The research investigates the dynamic relations between sound, space and the audience perception as related to an artist’s intention. What is the relation between sound and space in the sonic arts, and to what kind of merger does it lead? What relationship exists between the intention of the composer and the perception of the audience regarding architectural and environmental spaces? Is there a common thread of perception of architectural and environmental spaces among participants? Is embodiment a key for the perception of the dynamic relations of sound and space? The framework for the investigation is based on a map of three defined spaces (Real, Virtual, and Hyperbiological) included in a portfolio of six works (three electroacoustic compositions, two sound installations, and one performance), which lead to the analysis of the perception of space, namely, the perception of architectural and environmental spaces as required by the portfolio. The original knowledge resides in the exploration of a potential common representation (space and sound perception being, of course, a personal representation) of internal perceptual spaces and mental imageries generated by the works. The act of listening plays a major role in the development of the portfolio presented and includes Pauline Oliveros’ concept of deep listening (Oliveros 2005). Sound and space are intimately related in the portfolio. One particular element emerging from this relationship is the plastic quality of sound, meaning that sound is considered and observed as a material that is shaped by space. From this perspective the research investigates the ‘sculptural’ and morphological quality of the relationship between sound and space. The results include the specific language and signature of the artworks that delineate the intersection of music and fine arts. The portfolio pays a large tribute to several iconic artists present in the outposts of sound blurred by space. Composers and artists are therefore presented in the theoretical section in order to highlight how their pioneering works have influenced and informed the present research portfolio. The analysis of the perception of the artworks relates to a methodology based on an empirical survey inspired by phenomenology

    Um diálogo entre ciência e arte: sobre epistemologias e imaginações poéticas e políticas

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    Este diálogo busca pontos de contágio entre Arte e Ciência, entendidas como campos de produção simbólica, implicadas em visões de mundo e submetidas a condições sociais, políticas e econômicas. Se por um lado a Ciência, como modo de produção de conhecimento hegemônico, tem servido como base para legitimação dos mais diversos epistemicídios perpetrados pelo projeto de expansão colonial, a Arte vem sendo consumida por um ávido mercado que ignora dimensões rituais, onde cura, cuidado e estética constituem aspectos indissociáveis de um mesmo todo. Como pensar modelos e interfaces que reconsiderem as origens mágicas e míticas que estão na raiz tanto de uma quanto de outra? Que epistemologias e cosmovisões podemos trazer para essa conversa? Transcrição do Encontro proposto pela série LASER Talks Nomad (ubqtlab. org), como parte itinerante de um programa internacional de encontros da Leonardo/ ISATS que reúne artistas e cientistas para apresentações e conversas informais

    Don't forget the artists when studying perception of art

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